Thursday 8 May 2008

Final blog

What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
social policy and social care
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
yes in some way hahaha
If so, how? And if not, why not?
Some topic come inside with some being bad issues
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
nah its been alrite, not stressful what i like
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Nah all was covered
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
yes it made me understand the importance of the topic one at a time
What did you think of the module team?
Nice guy,
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Information and talk from lecturers?
More group discssions
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
yes very
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
very good it make u think about more things and link them together
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
yes i have
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Im thinking about it
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
yes i would
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
Good way to express your feelings on the matters
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
better this way
What have you learned from the module?
looking into things more in etail befor judging
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?


Comment left on zara blog

Yes i wanted to voice my thought here, when we opened up the lecture with that pray i felt very uncomfortable. I never knew whether he was being serious, taking the mick, all just wanted us to pray with him. After when reflecting on the lecture i thought to my self that cant b right,because he needed to take into account that everyine different so we are not all going to pray in that same way or at all.I saw this as offending an indivdual....

Comment left on vida blog

When we think about it deeply everyone does lie, whether its o protect a person or they just dont wanna tell the truth, everyone does it. What the main concern should be to wha extent would you go to with a lie, that when it becomes more debatable.

Comment left on Antonia blog

I agree here, there is no need for bullying,its not nice, 9 out of ten times the bully is the one with the issues.If you are being forced into bullying throug peer pressure stand up and say its wrong, that takes the bigger person. If you are the one bein bullied its never to late to get help. You have always got time.

Comment left on nickieta blog

I agree with what you had to say,at the end of the day, if parents or adults wish too smoke, dont do it around your children, it is damaging their health as well as yours.

Wednesday 7 May 2008


Alcohol is a very important topic within today's society. Many people don't realise how dangerous this drug is.Its the biggest killer amongst young teenagers and adults according to research.Alcohol is misused very bad amongst young people, they believe it is fun and the cool thing to do.It can cause heart disease and even cancer,also a lot of illnesses contained in the mouth.

Alcohol is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which is produced when glucose is fermented by yeast. The alcohol content of a particular drink is controlled by the amount of yeast and the duration of fermentation.
Fruits are used to make wines and ciders, while cereals such as barley and rye form the basis of beers and spirits.

Alcohol is a drug that has the immediate effect of altering mood. Drinking makes people feel relaxed, happy and even euphoric, you may find it surprising to learn that alcohol is in fact a depressant. It switches off the part of the brain that controls judgement, leading to loss of inhibitions.
This is why it is dangerous!!!!

Monday 14 April 2008


I was really shocked about this film,I found it to be an eye opener for parents to know what there children are really getting up to. The film had a lot of disturbing scenes and images that i felt quite uncomfortable to watch. On the other hand i found it very informative as now we are aware of what our children are doing, whether we like it or not. For parents it like you can be more prepared of what issues you may have to face.

Thursday 10 April 2008


Rap and crime in society today have a very strong bond according to reserach. There is a lot of reserach that suggests that crime is influenced by rap music.In my personally opinon i believe that people commit crime due to more valued reasons such as, lack of food, money, drugs. I dont really beileve that people are influenced by rap music, because if they going to do it, music or anything elese is not going to change anything.

What do you think????

Saturday 5 April 2008


Lying is seen as a bad thing, I think we can honestly say we all have lied whether it was to protect someone,or just lied to despite someone else.Depending on the way the lie has been told is how we will perceive the person.On the other hand some people believe it is wrong and there is no real justification for this action.

Tuesday 1 April 2008


Why people have tattoos?. Well according to research its a personal choice everyone makes. They look tasteful in one person view.What most people think are good about them is that mean something to the individual, so its not just an image embroidered onto the skin without no meaning. It is only seen as a bad thing if you believe it is.
What do you think?

Tuesday 25 March 2008


In Britain today alot of young adults who are shoplifting more than ever. Shoplifting has been around for many of years. Most people shoplift due to peer pressure, trying to act cool in front of friends or even for a dare.Another reason why some shoplift is because some youths like to have things they no there friends cant.


  • They may be arrested and paraded through a store in handcuffs.

  • They may face charges for theft.

  • They may be banned from stores or malls.
    People who have been arrested for shoplifting — especially if it's more than once — may end up with a criminal record. This can make it harder to get a job, get into college, or do the other things they want.

  • Even if people who shoplift aren't prosecuted, their names can end up on a national database that some companies look at when making hiring decisions.

What do think about shoplifting how do think we can stop it???

Thursday 20 March 2008



Prostitution is generally defined as performing, offering, or agreeing to perform a sexual act for money, property,anything of value. I believe on one side that women down grade themselves by putting themselves on the streets, but then again we have too understand the reasons why they go onto the streets, which usually are to keep a roof over their and families head.
Unfortunately the sad reasons are to support a drug habit.Its a choice that some of us make, while others are forced into it.
What do you think? do u agree or disagree with this statement?

Saturday 15 March 2008



Some of the ways you can be bullied: calling them names, saying or writing nasty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, threatening them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging their things, hitting or kicking them, or making them do things they don't want to do. Have any of these things happened to you? Have you done any of these things to someone else? Really, bullying is wrong behaviour which makes the person being bullied feel afraid or uncomfortable


There are a lot of reasons why some people bully. They may see it as a way of being popular, or making themselves look tough and in charge. Some bullies do it to get attention or things, or to make other people afraid of them. Others might be jealous of the person they are bullying. They may be being bullied themselves.Some bullies may not even understand how wrong their behaviour is and how it makes the person being bullied feel.


Some people think bullying is just part of growing up and a way for young people to learn to stick up for themselves. But bullying can make young people feel lonely, unhappy and frightened. It makes them feel unsafe and think there must be something wrong with them. They lose confidence and may not want to go to anywhere any more.

coping with bullying can be stressful and very upsetting, so do the right thing and tell someone its never to late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 10 March 2008

What are they like??


Most prisoners share a small room, called a cell, with one other person. They can take in a few of their own things, like pictures and radios but all the furniture is supplied by the prison and you don't get to decorate your cell so it looks very bare.
Inmates have to keep their own cell floor and furniture clean. Prisoners are allowed to smoke and they can buy cigarettes and snacks from a prison shop. But there are rules about how much they can spend, and it's not very much.
You should get to spend 30 minutes a day outside, normally in an exercise yard. But if the weather is bad that might not happen.
Everyone eats in a canteen and can mix together during what's called free association.

What is the security like?

Obviously one of the key functions of a prison is to keep inmates secure inside. An almost equally important function is to manage the entry and exit of people from the outside. To help provide a total solution for prison security G4S Security Systems has developed software and hardware which is being used in a number of high profile British prisons. A G4S Security Systems developed system is for example currently controlling access to Britain's 50 most violent and destructive prisoners" at Woodhill Prison.

Is prison taken seriously?

Inmates themselves have admitted conditions are like those at holiday camps, with satellite television and video game consoles on offer as well as free bed and board. Prisoners also receive wages and cash bonuses for good behaviour, while drugs are cheaper in jails than they are on the streets.

What do u think of prison are they too slack or do they need to tighten up, where do we draw the line???

Sunday 2 March 2008


Masturbation can be defined as self-stimulation to cause sexual sensations. The use of the word masturbation usually suggests that the person is manipulating his or her genitals to the point of intense pleasure or orgasm.

While masturbation can involve another person, most of us think of it as a very private act. According to some health care providers masturbation allows a healthy way to express and explore your sexuality and to release sexual tension without all the associated risks of sexual intercourse. Health professionals generally agree that this private touching is a natural, normal mode of self-exploration and sexual expression. Unfortunately, after the excitement of the moment has passed,many people find them selves feeling guilty and shamed of there actions

Most surveys suggest that approximately 94% of teenage males "admitted" that they masturbated and about 70% of teen females "admitted" to this also. It’s always hard to establish absolute truth in any survey on sexuality and sexual behavior, since they are influenced so much by what people think is "normal". It is important to note the word "admitted" in the results of these surveys. Doesn't that word imply something shameful about the act of masturbating? Many do, think so.

There are some benefits of this action such as relieve stress,menstrual cramps, insomnia, immune systems and moods.

But it is normally, okay and healthy, ill leave that down to you?

Thursday 28 February 2008


Every couple, in the beginning of an intimate, committed relationship and hopefully before marriage, should have the infidelity discussion. And, out of this discussion should come a clear operationally defined understanding about what constitutes infidelity for the two of them.
It may be different for every couple.Just to give a few examples:
At one extreme is the couple who may agree that anything short of actual intercourse outside the relationship is fine with them or another couple who agrees that anything is fine including sex outside the relationship (e.g., swingers, swappers, open-marriages, etc).
At the other extreme is the couple where nothing even vaguely sexual about anyone outside the relationship is allowed (so there can be no open discussions of "attractions" or someone coming on to either other one, e.g., at work) This level of suppression, in my judgment, may also not be healthy. And then there is all the middle ground between these two extremes.
The most important thing is that both individuals' perspectives are fully taken into account in forming a firm definition of what infidelity means in their relationship. The n th most important thing next is to stick to them and not go against any of them in any sort of way. Otherwise you will face major problems!!!!!!

Monday 25 February 2008

Nasty comedians

What are nasty comedians? well they are people that tell jokes normally related to sexually and racist issues.Comedians are people who entertain people through T.V programmes through jokes. Some people really enjoy watching these programmes because their think they are really funny. However, there are some people who are against comedians because they might take these jokes personal for example, it may offend their beliefs, culture or gender. I believe if there entertainment is offencive, then they shouldn't be able to tell jokes.Here are some peoples views on a certain film which cover a variety of these issues mentioned above.

Thursday 21 February 2008


diseases and problems caused by smoking
In society today a lot of people still smoke, even though there is lots of advertisements and help out there too stop, According to research if you were to eat your 5 portions of fruit and veg and continue to smoke, it cancels out that healthy approach. There are things such as lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and emphysema that can be obtained through excessive smoking and smoking within its self. I be live these heath issues such be in advertisements more as saying "smoking is bad for you" is just not enough too grab people attention anymore. Why do people smoke? i mean like there are over four hounded chemicals contained in ONE cigarette, the products that are most damaging are tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and different components of gas. Stop smoking people its BAD for you!!.

Wednesday 20 February 2008

i think it would be a good idea if we had a weekend away in London to explore the city.where we can go site seeing, enjoy the night time entertainment, and just relax out. It would be lovely. We could even go Buckingham palace and see whats that all about and the famous square. Do u agree? we all deserve it.