Wednesday 7 May 2008


Alcohol is a very important topic within today's society. Many people don't realise how dangerous this drug is.Its the biggest killer amongst young teenagers and adults according to research.Alcohol is misused very bad amongst young people, they believe it is fun and the cool thing to do.It can cause heart disease and even cancer,also a lot of illnesses contained in the mouth.

Alcohol is a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which is produced when glucose is fermented by yeast. The alcohol content of a particular drink is controlled by the amount of yeast and the duration of fermentation.
Fruits are used to make wines and ciders, while cereals such as barley and rye form the basis of beers and spirits.

Alcohol is a drug that has the immediate effect of altering mood. Drinking makes people feel relaxed, happy and even euphoric, you may find it surprising to learn that alcohol is in fact a depressant. It switches off the part of the brain that controls judgement, leading to loss of inhibitions.
This is why it is dangerous!!!!

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